UVa804 - Petri Net Simulation
题设 A Petri net is a computational model used to illustrate concurrent activity. Each Petri net contains some number of places (represented by circles), transitions (represented by black rectangles...
题设 A Petri net is a computational model used to illustrate concurrent activity. Each Petri net contains some number of places (represented by circles), transitions (represented by black rectangles...
题设 Components of computer systems often have dependencies—other components that must be installed before they will function properly. These dependencies are frequently shared by multiple component...
题设 Automatic Chemical Manufacturing is experimenting with a process called self-assembly. In this pro- cess, molecules with natural affinity for each other are mixed together in a solution and all...
题设 问题描述 给定一个不含重复元素的整数数组,一个以此数组构建的最大二叉树定义如下: ① 二叉树的根是数组中的最大元素。 ② 左子树是通过数组中最大值左边部分构造出的最大二叉树。 ③ 右子树是通过数组中最大值右边部分构造出的最大二叉树。 要求通过给定的数组构建最大二叉树,并且用括号表示法输出构建好的最大二叉树,假设给定的数组的大小在[1,1000]之间。 输入形式 在一行中...
题设 问题描述 由二叉树的先序序列和中序序列构造二叉树并求其后序序列 输入形式 每个测试用例的第一行包含一个整数n(1<=n<=1000)表示二叉树的节点个数,所有节点的编号为1~n,后面两行分别给出先序序列和中序序列。可以假设构造出的二叉树是唯一的。 输出形式 对于每个测试用例,输出一行表示其后序序列。 样例输入 9 1 2 4 7 3 5 8 9 6 4 7 2 1 ...
题设 问题描述 假设二叉树中的每个结点值为单个整数,采用二叉链结构存储,设计算法判断给定的二叉树是否是完全二叉树。假定每棵二叉树节点不超过2000个。 输入形式 每个测试是一颗二叉树的括号表示法字符串 输出形式 如果是完全二叉树,输出“1”;如果不是完全二叉树,输出“0” 样例输入 1(2(4,5),3) 样例输出 1 题解 先建树,这里依然是用的l数组和r数组。...
题设 The 1999 World Finals Contest included a problem based on a dice maze. At the time the problem was written, the judges were unable to discover the original source of the dice maze concept. Shor...
题设 Peter studies the theory of relational databases. Table in the relational database consists of values that are arranged in rows and columns. There are different normal forms that database may ...
题设 Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is no other way to open the doors, the puzzle is ve...
背包问题 01背包问题 有 N 件物品和一个容量是 V 的背包。每件物品只能使用一次。 第 i 件物品的体积是 vi,价值是 wi。 求解将哪些物品装入背包,可使这些物品的总体积不超过背包容量,且总价值最大。 输出最大价值。 输入格式 第一行两个整数,N,V,用空格隔开,分别表示物品数量和背包容积。 接下来有 N 行,每行两个整数 vi,wi,用空格隔开,分别表示第 i 件物品...