Modern-CPP - Chapter07 - Error Handling
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#include <cstddef> #include <new> template <typename T, std::size_t N> class InplaceVector { public: InplaceVector() = default; ~InplaceVector() { for (auto ptr = Data(), end = ptr + size_; ptr < end; ptr++) { ptr->~T(); } } T *Data() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(buffer_); } const T *Data() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(buffer_); } std::size_t Size() const noexcept { return size_; } std::size_t Capacity() const noexcept { return N; } bool Empty() const noexcept { return size_ == 0; } void PushBack(const T &elem) { if (size_ >= N) { throw std::bad_alloc{}; } auto newPos = Data() + size_; new (newPos) T{elem}; size_++; } void PopBack() { if (Empty()) { throw std::out_of_range{"Cannot pop from empty vector"}; } auto currPos = Data() + (size_ - 1); currPos->~T(); size_--; } T &operator[](std::size_t idx) { return *(Data() + idx); } const T &operator[](std::size_t idx) const { return *(Data() + idx); } T &at(std::size_t idx) { if (idx >= size_) { throw std::out_of_range{"Index out of range"}; } return *(Data() + idx); } const T &at(std::size_t idx) const { if (idx >= size_) { throw std::out_of_range{"Index out of range"}; } return *(Data() + idx); } private: alignas(T) std::byte buffer_[sizeof(T) * N]; std::size_t size_{0}; };
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#include <algorithm> template <typename T> struct ListNode { ListNode *prev; ListNode *next; T val; }; template <typename T> class ListBase { protected: ListNode<T> sentinel_; ListBase() : sentinel_(&sentinel_, &sentinel_) {} ListNode<T> &GetSentinel_() { return sentinel_; } const ListNode<T> &GetSentinel_() const { return sentinel_; } void ClearNodes_() { ListNode<T> *current =; while (current != &sentinel_) { ListNode<T> *next = current->next; delete current; current = next; } // Reset sentinel pointers = &sentinel_; sentinel_.prev = &sentinel_; } ~ListBase() { ClearNodes_(); } }; template <typename T> class List : protected ListBase<T> { using Base = ListBase<T>; public: class ConstIterator { const ListNode<T> *node_; public: ConstIterator(const ListNode<T> *node) : node_{node} {} ConstIterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto node0 = node_; node_ = node_->next; return ConstIterator{node0}; } ConstIterator &operator++() noexcept { node_ = node_->next; return *this; } const T &operator*() const noexcept { return node_->val; } const T *operator->() const noexcept { return &(node_->val); } bool operator==(const ConstIterator &another) const noexcept = default; }; List() = default; template <typename It> List(It begin, It end) { // Guard class to ensure cleanup on exception class Guard { List &list_; bool released_ = false; public: explicit Guard(List &list) : list_(list) {} ~Guard() { if (!released_) { // Clean up any allocated nodes if construction fails list_.Base::ClearNodes_(); } } void Release() { released_ = true; } }; Guard guard{*this}; ListNode<T> *curr = &this->GetSentinel_(); for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { ListNode<T> *new_node = new ListNode<T>{curr, &this->GetSentinel_(), *it}; curr->next = new_node; this->GetSentinel_().prev = new_node; curr = new_node; } guard.Release(); } auto begin() const { return ConstIterator{this->}; } auto end() const { return ConstIterator{&this->sentinel_}; } List(const List &another) : List{another.begin(), another.end()} {} void swap(List &other) noexcept { if (this == &other) return; ListNode<T> &this_sentinel = this->GetSentinel_(); ListNode<T> &other_sentinel = other.GetSentinel_(); bool this_empty = ( == &this_sentinel); bool other_empty = ( == &other_sentinel); if (this_empty && other_empty) { // Both empty, nothing to do return; } if (this_empty) { // This is empty, other is not =; this_sentinel.prev = other_sentinel.prev;>prev = &this_sentinel; this_sentinel.prev->next = &this_sentinel; // Make other empty = &other_sentinel; other_sentinel.prev = &other_sentinel; } else if (other_empty) { // Other is empty, this is not =; other_sentinel.prev = this_sentinel.prev;>prev = &other_sentinel; other_sentinel.prev->next = &other_sentinel; // Make this empty = &this_sentinel; this_sentinel.prev = &this_sentinel; } else { // Both non-empty, swap their pointers std::swap(,; std::swap(this_sentinel.prev, other_sentinel.prev); // Fix the node pointers>prev = &this_sentinel; this_sentinel.prev->next = &this_sentinel;>prev = &other_sentinel; other_sentinel.prev->next = &other_sentinel; } } List &operator=(const List &another) { if (this != &another) { List temp(another); swap(temp); } return *this; } };
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#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include "list.hpp" class SomeClassMayThrow { private: int val_; // Use static variables to record call count static inline int constructCount = 0; static inline int destructCount = 0; static inline int copyCount = 0; // Make copyThreshold a separate variable which can be set in different test cases static inline int copyThreshold = 0; public: SomeClassMayThrow() : val_{0} {} SomeClassMayThrow(int val) : val_{val} {} SomeClassMayThrow(const SomeClassMayThrow &another) : val_{another.val_} { if (copyCount++ == copyThreshold) { throw std::runtime_error{"Test exception"}; } constructCount++; } ~SomeClassMayThrow() { destructCount++; } auto GetVal() const noexcept { return val_; } static int GetConstructCount() { return constructCount; } static int GetDestructCount() { return destructCount; } static int GetCopyCount() { return copyCount; } static void ResetCounters() { constructCount = 0; destructCount = 0; copyCount = 0; } static void SetCopyThreshold(int threshold) { copyThreshold = threshold; } }; TEST_CASE("Functionality test", "[functionality]") { std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3}; List<int> l{v.begin(), v.end()}; auto it = l.begin(); REQUIRE(*it == 1); ++it; REQUIRE(*it == 2); ++it; REQUIRE(*it == 3); ++it; REQUIRE(it == l.end()); } TEST_CASE("Basic exception safety test", "[basic]") { SomeClassMayThrow::SetCopyThreshold(2); SomeClassMayThrow::ResetCounters(); bool exceptionCaught = false; { // Wrap the test in curly braces so that the vector goes out of scope before test terminates std::vector<SomeClassMayThrow> a; a.reserve(3); a.emplace_back(1); a.emplace_back(2); a.emplace_back(3); try { List<SomeClassMayThrow> l{a.begin(), a.end()}; } catch (const std::exception &ex) { exceptionCaught = true; INFO("Exception caught as expected: " << ex.what()); } } REQUIRE(exceptionCaught); REQUIRE(SomeClassMayThrow::GetConstructCount() == 2); REQUIRE(SomeClassMayThrow::GetDestructCount() == 6); } TEST_CASE("Strong exception safety test", "[strong]") { SomeClassMayThrow::SetCopyThreshold(5); SomeClassMayThrow::ResetCounters(); std::vector<SomeClassMayThrow> a; a.reserve(3); a.emplace_back(1); a.emplace_back(2); a.emplace_back(3); List<SomeClassMayThrow> l{a.begin(), a.end()}; List<SomeClassMayThrow> l2{a.begin() + 1, a.end()}; // Before assignment, store the values in l2 for later comparison std::vector<int> originalValues; for (auto it = l2.begin(); it != l2.end(); ++it) { originalValues.push_back(it->GetVal()); } // Verify original values in l2 (should be 2, 3) REQUIRE(originalValues.size() == 2); REQUIRE(originalValues[0] == 2); REQUIRE(originalValues[1] == 3); bool exceptionCaught = false; try { l2 = l; INFO("Assignment completed without exception"); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { exceptionCaught = true; INFO("Exception caught as expected: " << ex.what()); // Check if l2 values are unchanged std::vector<int> postExceptionValues; for (auto it = l2.begin(); it != l2.end(); ++it) { postExceptionValues.push_back(it->GetVal()); INFO("Value in l2 after failed assignment: " << it->GetVal()); } // Verify l2 still has the same values as before (2, 3) REQUIRE(postExceptionValues.size() == originalValues.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < originalValues.size(); ++i) { REQUIRE(postExceptionValues[i] == originalValues[i]); } } REQUIRE(exceptionCaught); }
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