
Berkeley-Sysadmin_DeCal - Lab2b

Berkeley-Sysadmin_DeCal - Lab2b

作者学习的版本为spring 2021,但近年的作业内容基本一致

Pipes and Redirection

  1. grep -i -v '[aeiouy]' words.txt | head -10
  2. grep -i '\b.*cal.*\b' your_wordlist_file.txt | awk 'length($0) >= 7' > cal.txt


  1. Use 10kd10d or :.-10,.d
  2. Use :shell command and you can use fg to go back to vim
  3. Use :split filename to split the space horizonally or :vsplit filename to split vertically
  4. First enter visual mode and select box, then using > or < for indentation. You can also add numbers at the begining, same as what 10k does


  1. First use Ctrl-B and type :split -v / - h to split the window. Next use Ctrl-B and then type :resize-pane -D / -U / -L / -R + size to adjust the pane size. Install the htop package to show resource monitors
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